Learning Breathe & Let it Go

The master finesser. The closet creep that can take over you at any given time. Anxiety is a bitch and I think it’s time we talk about it.

Anxiety is fear over mind. It comes in many different forms and can be triggered at any given moment.

I’ve read up on about 6 different types of anxiety. Pretty sure I fall into the GAD (generalized anxiety disorder).

GAD is when you feel anxious or worried from stressing about the future. Or worries that relate to several aspects of everyday life, including work, health, family and/or financial issues. This type of anxiety also can counteract and help keep you more focused on the task at hand.

I get anxiety about my blog. When this happens I just keep writing. I try my hardest to push through because I know if I don’t. My anxiety will win.

I’m pretty sure we’ve all experienced some type of anxiety before. Shit, I feel like always anxious. From always worrying about the future. To wanting to make the best logical choices. I just naturally worry a lot.

When my anxiety kicks in, I can get very one-sided. I start to over-analyze and think nothing will work out. That’s were a lot of my negative thoughts came from.

Last year I probably had more anxiety attacks then I can count. That’s the funny thing about anxiety. It can be easily disguised by everyday life. So much that it goes unnoticed to those around you. People naturally hide their true moods or feelings so that they can function in everyday life. But disguising it only makes it more intense. Making it more likely for you to lose your true self.

I feel like back in the day concerns of having anxiety were pushed to the side. No one wanted to talk about the real hard life issues. It’s almost as if people acted as if it didn’t exist because, well you know.

No one wants to have an issue.

I know I don’t. But I can’t deny that I deal with anxiety

Mine usually triggers when I know I have to finish something by a certain time. I start getting anxious as hell! I start doubting myself and pushing the project back more and more. Then anxiety’s side chick, procrastination kicks in and it’s all HELL after that.

It happens every time I make a post. Not that I don’t want to write. I freaking love writing and my blog, it’s my therapy and passion.

I will keep posting even if no one reads them.

It’s the anxiety of wanting to be perfect, normal, and MAKE SENSE. That starts it.

My anxiety also kicks in when I go to the club or large crowded areas. Just the thought of people staring at me makes me feel so uneasy.

Just being a woman gives me anxiety sometimes too. Ever get ready for a night out and your face is completely broken out. Which then makes your makeup look horrible! Or your face is to broken out to even put on makeup. I’ve canceled plans because of this. I get anxiety even when I don’t wear makeup. Because I know my blemishes are not cute whatsoever.

Honestly, I get way more anxiety then I like to admit. But I’m learning how to identify it and end it.

Having a support system helps. Having someone you can be open with that knows you helps. If it’s not my mom, then I’m crying to my best friends. They allow me to get it all out and remind me shit will be just fine.

What has also helped me is; meditating, exercising, taking deep breaths with eyes closed and crying a little bit. Sometimes you just need to get that shit out of your system.

Exercising is a major key to easing anxiety. Exercising literally can boost your mood because of the release of endorphins. Which helps ease anxiety.

What honestly helped me was, acknowledging my issue and aiming to correct it. Change really starts with yourself.

Anxiety sucks but there are ways to kill her. You just have to be open and real about what you’re dealing with. Knowledge is power.