Sometimes I Just Need A Break

For my mental health
You ever just need a break for your sanity? A day to yourself. Or maybe a day that requires little to no responsibility from you.

Life can get overwhelming and it doesn’t help that there’s no pause button on time. Just like when your body tells you that it’s tired, muscle failure. The mind does too. I personally don’t believe in working hard, sleep when you die. To me that will only lead you to be overworked and frustrated when things don’t end up how you expected. Take that break. Go do something for yourself. No one is going to care more about your mental health than YOU.

I can’t write if I’m overwhelmed. It’s really hard to focus when my mind is exhausted. Even at work. It’s like I know what I need to do. I just can’t mentally do it right now.

Honestly, I feel like a mental health day should be an additional PTO included at all U.S companies. Each one of us has “one of those days” where you can’t seem to get it right. This would help us be more aware of yourselves. Probably would calm a lot if not all people down.

Me personally, I’ll take off work if I just can’t seem to get it together.

I’m useless if I can’t focus. It’s those mornings where it takes me 30 minutes to get my feet on the ground. Usually it only takes 10 minutes max. That’s when the only thing that comes to my mind is, you need a break. As I stare at myself in the mirror.

A lot of people don’t even realize when they need a break. They have so much to do that they ignore the signs their brain is sending to them. The signs include; depression, overly tired, irritable, or loss of focus.

For me I start getting frustrated with everything and everyone. Or I start feeling really down on myself.

Mental Health is so important yet goes unnoticed for so many because, the show must go on. Or you’re too afraid to admit there’s a problem. This is why it’s so important to check on your friends. The ones that seem to have it together and the ones that don’t. Everyone is going through some silent struggle small or big. A phone call or text goes a long way.

There’s 2 people that I talk to faithfully every week. We all live in different states. But they make it their business to check on me if they haven’t heard from me. I do the same. Sometimes it’s a “hey ,how you doing girl”. With little conversation after. But those texts/calls don’t go unnoticed ladies. Thank you for that. Sometimes those texts come at the right time.

It’s OK to take a day for yourself. It’s OK to pamper yourself a little. Even if you’re a mom. Go hide in the bathroom with your favorite snack. We all need it. Humans and work are exhausting. They both drain your sanity juice. Don’t allow the world to take over you.

If you’re feeling down on yourself go do something that makes you feel satisfied. We only have 1 life, enjoy it with a mind that is at peace.