Sisterhood Is Important!

Women supporting women
I always admired sororities for their commitment to each other. They walk in not knowing one thing about one another but after that first day. They form an unspoken seal tight bond. Well, I think they do.

Sisterhood to me is different than just a friendship. Sometimes it’s not even a friendship. Sisterhood to me means having respect and compassion for another female. It’s that unspoken bond women naturally have for one another.

You know when you naturally keep an eye out for children as their mom does whatever business she is doing in the store.

I do it all the time at my job.

I feel like single moms might understand sisterhood more than most. They lean on each other to help watch the kids. Also use one another as an escape.

Sisterhood is about supporting each other when no one is looking.

I drove down rt 22 at 3am for emergency calls from one of my sister’s. Also caught a flight to be there for my best friend during a rough patch.

It’s about looking out for each other. Speaking up when you see a strange man following another woman. Or it’s playing girlfriends with another woman to prevent a man from talking to her, who she has no interest in. It’s about lending a hand to the mother with an infant and 100 bags in her hand. It’s about maybe giving a ride to your co-worker who travels by bus at night.

I just saw a story on the news about a 5 year old boy that was put on the wrong school bus. He was actually supposed to be in after school care. The bus driver not only dropped the boy off in an unfamiliar area. But he/she didn’t even wait to see if the little boy was picked up by someone. So this 5 year old was left, crying on the sidewalk. Confused and afraid. Until a woman noticed him and figured out how to contact his mother, by going through his BACKPACK! If it wasn’t for this woman. A mother may have never seen her son again. The mother kept repeating, I thank God for that woman. I just want to hug and kiss her for watching my son.

Sisterhood is imperative.

Sisterhood goes hand and hand with my previous post about women mean mugging each other. Maybe if you smiled at her or didn’t turn your head at her struggle. You can lead a hand in helping another woman get through the day.

There’s something about uplifting someone else that awakens me. I don’t see how you can lend a hand to someone and not feel good about it later.

I’m not saying go help everyone you see. My heart moves at its own pace. It knows when to intervene and when to stay put. If you move on your instincts you’ll know what to do and when to do it.

I’m all about uplifting one another so sisterhood comes naturally to me. That’s why I still have friendships from elementary school. Yes, they are still my best friends. Not my sometimes friends.

Having a sisterhood is so necessary for your sanity. Whether it’s a group. Or just being around your girls.

There’s nothing like a night out with my girls. I swear I feel rejuvenated when I get around them. We don’t even have to do much. It’s the vibe. It’s those awakenings conversations we have that help me navigate certain situations. Sometimes all I need is an ear to listen to me

Challenge yourself. See if you can lead a hand or an eye. A bond could strengthen or a friendship can be made. You Never know.