Be Careful What You Speak Into The Universe

Things start to unfold when you work for it
Speaking things into existence is more real than most realize. Manifestation starts when you speak frequently about a situation.

This year I focused on manifesting to be more positive and focused within myself and those around me.

No mom, I wasn’t in a dark space

I just use to stress about situations out of my control. Or stress about situations that were in my control that I just wasn’t changing. Which triggered me to be more, MEH about everything. Stress is a real nasty hoe. She will keep you stagnant if you allow her.

So in pursuit of manifesting positivity, I spoke it. I started my 365 Days of Gratitude. It humbled me, honestly. No matter how my day went. I made sure to post what I was thankful for. As of today, I’m on day 267! Projecting that positivity in the air helped me to have a clearer view. It’s simple. When you make positive gestures it bounces back to you. People around me started to change. I was able to see what friend was really for me and who wasn’t. When I used to talk down or speak doubt, nothing changed. I stayed in that doubt. In those times I had GROUPS of friends.

Funny how things change.

It actually feels good to speak in a more positive manner. My heart feels bigger, if that’s even a thing.

When shit goes left. I now sometimes catch myself like,

Girl you literally have no time for this shit. Relax, figure it out.

Telling myself everything will be OK helped me believe it. Once I believed it. I built faith within myself which makes it harder for me to stay in that cloud of doubt now. Given, some situations I can’t control how I feel and I might have an anxiety attack. But recently they have lessen.

Anxiety is a bitch.

I’ve been trying to replace her with positive vibes. Manifesting my ideas and wants into the universe by speaking them into existence, literally.

I’ll pray over them. Sometimes I just say them to myself. A little confidence booster.

It takes patience when working with the universe and yourself. It can get discouraging at times.

I was discouraged about my blog last year when I first launched it. I just had such big idea’s for it and wanted it to happen right now. When it didn’t, I stopped. When I couldn’t get over my anxiety I pushed posting back day by day. I didn’t have the patience to see my work through. I really didn’t take the time to realize, things don’t always work out how we want.

But they work out how we need it too.

I realized I needed to make a lifestyle change, I needed to change something to receive the results I desired. I’m still working on it. But little by little I’ve changed my everyday routine.

Instead of staring at my phone the first 20 minutes of me waking up. I drink a bottle of water and hype myself up, like girl let’s go! Instead of going straight home after work, I take a walk. My mind needs to decompress after work. It calms my nerves, which then helps me to focus on what I need to do at home. I even started mediating, got some crystals too. I always thought mediation was fake. I never could focus. But lately I been taking it more serious. I wanted to try something new because working out to clear my mind takes up to much time. So far I been falling asleep doing it but that’s normal. Meditation is another form of manifesting also.

I truly believe the universe works with you. If you keep talking down on yourself or harvest negative thoughts. That’s exactly what will come to you.

I was like that last year. Literally got me now where. I just watched time go by as I complained about it.

Now I’m making up for that time lost.

What’s the sense of being that way when you can make your life anything you want it to be. Given, I know everyone’s situation is different. But if you want out or a change. Why not start with yourself. It’s actually pretty fun.

Once I became more confident. My vision became more clear. Things started to happen that I can not explain. It’s almost as if since I made this change so have those around me. Or that they want to change now. I knew it was all from what I was putting out. I try my hardest to stop myself from speaking ill into the universe about anything. It only keeps you down when you do.