Hesitation Won’t Get You Far In LIFE

Going for it vs Regretting Not Going For

I’ve always been the shy, quiet type. Timid when it came to taking risks. Always second- guessing myself because I put logic over impulse.

In my 28 years of life. That shit has gotten me nowhere. It only made decision making harder. Kept me stagnant in situations. Delayed my growth and kept me in a bubble I had no business being in.

I realized that being hesitant or worrying about the what if’s. Is living in the future, not in the present.

I was afraid of making a choice that future me would regret, instead of thinking about what I needed right now.

With hesitation comes fear. I use to be one scared b*tch. I can’t even tell you why. I guess I just was afraid of failure. But as I got older things became clearer. I started to realize what I haven’t done and what I still needed to do. That’s when I realized I needed to stop being so damn hesitant.

Don’t believe the hype. There’s no set age limit to have all your shit together. We all got different things going on. It might take some a little longer to realize what has been holding them back. I was one of them.

I hesitated with this blog for 4 years. I came up with the idea in 2014. Didn’t launch it until 2018. Relaunched it in 2019. All this delay because of fear which triggered me to hesitate. I was afraid that this blog would be poorly judged.

I am my own worst critic. My hesitation delayed my progress. Who knows where I would have been if I just stuck to my gut.

I even hesitated with a position at work. Waiting for that slight chance that they might need me. Or for a position to open. Until I spoke up. Expressed what I can bring to the table and where I wanted to be. Then opportunities were revealed.

It’s interesting how life can get if you just let go of fear. Rejection happens, don’t get me wrong. But we are all grown now. No one is getting punished or beaten.. I’m pretty sure we can all handle taking NO for an answer, if it was to happen. So why not take the risk? Why not ask for that promotion or start that new career? Why not start that business? Why not go back to school if you want to learn something new? Why not slide in that DM, girl?

It’s 2019, shoot all shots ladies!

Getting a no isn’t the end of the world. It’s just the start of your progression.

People will always have something to say, but fuck it. There’s nothing you can do about gossip. You can only control your life and what you want out of it.

I really had to question myself like, girl what are you waiting for? No one else is going to do this for you. Pretty sure no one wants it as bad as you do. So why hesitate? So I swallowed my fear, took a deep breath and got it done.

The other side of hesitation can be an ocean of endless possibilities if you let go of fear. What do you fear so much that has you at a standstill?

If a stubborn ass, Taurus can push past her own hesitation to accomplish goals bigger than her..

So can you.