Vision Board: A vision board is used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goal. Which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life.
2 years ago I thought vision boards were childish. I mean, who has the time to voluntarily do arts and crafts after a full day of work. On top of the other 100 things I have to do. It took me a while but I now understand that you make time for what you want. 2 years ago I wasn’t making time for myself and it showed…
Vision boards are the exact opposite of childish, they’re actually enlightening and pretty fun!
I felt like I was finally taking control over my life. For so long I wasn’t sure what I wanted/needed. Figuring out what exactly those things are was liberating. It empowered me to start acting on my goals. Everything I wanted I put on my vision board, I didn’t hold back.
I needed the universe to know I’m not playing around with these goals. Plus I didn’t want to leave anything out.
That’s all a vision board is, it’s a representation of the life you want to create. It’s a written reminder of who/where you want to be in life.
A vision board should cover every important aspect of your life. I did mine in sections; Career, Love, Spiritually, and Self-care. Start by figuring out what areas of your life you want to see change in. This will help you figure out what kind of sections you want on your vision board. Vision boards do not have to be perfect either. So don’t stress yourself out if it’s not as pretty or cluttered as you might want it to be.
I still add to my vision board. My goals modify as time goes on. Things change, that’s life. Vision boards are just supposed to keep you on top of your goals.
Whatever you put on your vision board should be a goal that you’re dedicated too. Don’t just put anything on it if you’re not going to work at it. A vision board doesn’t work that way. It works when you make realistic goals that you know you can achieve. After creating it, it’s time to put action into your plans. Remember nothing moves until you do.
“You can’t just put graduate from college and not even apply to one”.
Vision boards take time and understanding. I brainstormed ideas for my vision board for about a week. Just writing down my wants/needs. Figuring out what I can accomplish in a 1-5 years. Trust me it’s a project that shouldn’t be rushed. If you’re going to do it.
Do it right.
Here’s how I got started with my vision board:
Brainstorm your intentions/goals: Take a few days for this. Really connect with yourself and find out what your spirit desires. This is why it took me a week to do. Everyday I wrote down my desires which kept getting more in depth the more I wrote.
Gather supplies: magazines, pictures, phases, old items for remembrance, glue, scissors, poster paper, markers, crayons, glitter.
Create a Sacred Space: Somewhere quiet where you can focus. Light a candle and play some music. Create a peaceful environment for yourself.
Find your images + words that resonate with you: Don’t hesitate or second guess yourself. If you find something that just feels right to you, put it on the board. Your board is for you! No one else.
Put your vision board somewhere that you can see it: I taped mine to my wall.
Make a action plan: What are the steps you’ll be taking to achieve what you placed on your vision board?
Notice + heal any resistance : Your mind will resist you at first. Mine battled me with tiredness and second guessing myself. It was my mind’s way of wanting to stay in its comfort zones. Sometimes you have to fight with yourself and that’s OK. Your mind and body has to adapt to the changes you’re trying to make. You can do it!
Repeat – check in on yourself. Hold yourself accountable. Make adjustments and trust the process. Trust and be kind to yourself.
A vision board will not make all of your dreams come true. It’s up to you for that to happen. You are in control of your life. No matter the circumstances, it’s all up to you. A vision board just brings your focus back to what’s important to you when life tries to consume you.
You wouldn’t be able to dream if dreams weren’t possible …