Yoni Steams

My Yoni Steam Experience – Hip Bath Formation

If you ever thought about trying a Yoni Steam. Don’t stress, I have all the details!

Yoni Steaming is a ancient remedy used for cleansing a woman’s womb. It was believed that by steaming your vagina, you’ll cleanse, tighten and revitalize your reproductive system.

I mean who can say no to a vagina cleanse & a little tighten up?

So, at my spa day at King’s Spa & Sauna. I had a yoni steam done for 30$. A Yoni Steam is basically a pot full of herbs, and water that steams into your vagina. You sit down naked on what looks like toilet bowl with your legs spread wide open.

You gotta bust it open one time.

I was given a full length cape that has no side openings. This allows the steam to heat up your entire body. You’re going to sweat your ass off for a good 30 minutes. I was served a detox tea as I sat as well. The tea helps with the detoxing process.

I’m not going to lie, the heat can be a little uncomfortable. After 15 minutes I wanted to stop so bad, but I had to thug it out.

I don’t even sweat that much when I work out.

Also, ladies please be aware that the steam can burn your vagina so don’t try to be superwoman. If it starts to hurt or burn stop! Or just tell your Yoni Steam lady to turn down the temperature on the pot.

After using the Yoni Steam I felt lubricated, a sense of freshness, and new. It felt as if my vagina was aired out. I also noticed that my vagina walls are tighter. Muscle grip enhancement is expected.

The main herbs in a Yoni steam are mugwort, wormwood, chamomile, calendula, basil, and oregano although you can add just about any herb you want in one.

Some of the benefits of a Yoni Steam are:

Reduces stress

Aids in depression

Prevents hemorrhoids

Cures B.V – Bacterial Infection

Increases energy

Boost fertility

Healing after childbirth

Hormonal balance

Reduces headaches

Tightens vagina walls

Clears odor

Reduces menstrual cycle pains

You might notice changes immediately or you might notice them as time goes on. Your sex life could change drastically. You might have more energy than usual. Take note of how you feel the next 2 weeks after the treatment. Yoni Steams are not harmful, and can be done 1-2 times a month. There’s at home yoni steams you can buy from Amazon or a local retailer. It’s a refreshing way to detox your special box. Please take care of your womb ladies! You only get one!

Health care is apart of self-care. Don’t leave your womb out, it’s your most prized possession.