How Meditating Calmed Me TF Down

Finding My Peace

I had one of those, meditation doesn’t work on me type of mindsets. I could barely calm my mind down enough to go to sleep. So I just knew I wouldn’t be able to focus enough for meditation. Plus, I didn’t understand how sitting down trying not to think could help me.

I had a million things on my mind. So many emotions running through me. The last thing I need to do was to sit down and do nothing.

But that’s exactly what I needed to do, sit down and do nothing. Meditation is training the mind to become more aware. To achieve a clear mental and emotional state so that you can focus. Your mind controls EVERYTHING. We are literally nothing without our mind, yet we tend to not take care of it.

I’m always stressed. Thinking about my future or how I am not where I want to be in life right now. For a while I burned out my mind and emotions healing from a break-up.

I knew I wasn’t taking care of myself when I couldn’t focus on my writing. Or when I would procrastinate when I needed to write. Mind you this is something I love to do. But I was emotionally drained. My mind was so clouded I couldn’t focus on what really mattered to me. Another hint that you’re not taking care of your mental state is if you’re overly tired.

At one point I was always taking a nap after work. Getting absolutely nothing done. Just feeling more tired than before.

So I turned to meditation. I read that it helps you understand your emotions. I needed to understand mine, I wanted to heal myself from the inside out. I was broken for a while. I was also heavily depressed, and no one knew.

I’ve learned that, only you can heal yourself. No one understands you quite like you do. No one can tell you how to heal either. So instead of seeking a man to fix my broken heart or loading all my troubles onto a friend. I learned how to meditate.

Everyone has their own way of meditation. What I do helps me and it’s a good start for a beginner.

1. Create a scared or quiet space. Somewhere you’re comfortable and will have no distractions. I recommend a room that you can lock the door. Getting interrupted during meditation will cause you to lose focus. It’s hard getting that focus back sometimes.

2. Dim the lights. I prefer using a night light. If you can’t dim your lights. Low lighting sets the mood.

3. Light a scented candle. Your senses will awaken from the scented candle. Make sure it’s a scent that pleases you.

4. Sage the area to cleanse it of all prior energies. The scent of sage is also supposed to relax you. I love sage, I usually sage the entire house weekly. Sage purifies the energy around you replacing it with positive charges.

5. Create a comfortable spot for you to sit or lay down. My space has pillows all around it, I call it my pillow prayer area.

6. Listen to meditation or chakra healing music. This will aid in connecting you to your emotions. The soothing music relaxes you.

7. Breathe! Take long deep breaths. Listen to them – feel the air going through your body. Listen to where it hurts or when you have trouble breathing. Focus on your breathing.

8. When you’re ready to meditate close your eyes and think of white light. Envision it, make it real. White light symbolizes positivity. It creates a blank canvas of the mind. So that you’re able to imagine all of your wants and needs. I also hold my crystals in my left hand for a deeper connection – you don’t have to do this.

9. Become what you want to envision. Some envision their chakras for chakra healing. Some envision their future. I always envision my future with my husband and children. I envision how our days will go and the love we have for each other. I also envision what I want for LifeofBlackDaria, and the people I want it to touch.

10. Stay in meditation for at least 10 minutes. If you can do it longer, do it!

11. When you blow out your candle. Release all negative thoughts with it! It is important to let go of all stress and bad energies.

After meditation I usually go into prayer. When you connect to your subconscious you’re actually connecting to your spirit so it’s the best connection time to pray.

After meditating I feel so liberated. More connected to my spirit. Sometimes during meditation I figure shit out. There’s been times blog topic ideas came to me during meditation. As well as answers to questions I’ve been asking myself. I become more positive after meditation, it makes me feel like I can accomplish everything I envisioned. Meditation also has improved my sleep. Now that I’m able to train my mind to stop and focus on what I want it to.

I feel more at peace in my life than I ever have. I calmed TF down! Meditation isn’t a quick fix. It takes time and dedication to achieve. So if you’re having trouble at first, DON’T give up. Remember you have to train your mind to meditate properly. Everything in life takes time. I’m not a master at meditating, but I’m getting there.

Meditate to free your mind. You might just figure out a part of yourself you never knew you could be.