The Art of Saging

What is Sage?

In the past 3 years, it seems like saging has resurfaced in the modern world. Which has raised questions about what saging really is, and if it actually works?

Saging is a ritualistic way to cleanse an area or a person by using a sage stick. Sage can be bought at an East Meets West type of store or amazon. I personally go to East Meets West.

Sage was first introduced by the Native Americans as an ancient spiritual ritual. To chase away evil spirits, cleanse a household/person, praying, and to bring overall peace. But sage can be beneficial in many different other ways.

Sage is said to have antimicrobial properties. This means that sage can keep infectious bacteria, viruses, and fungi at bay. (Adrian White, Healthline) Which makes sage a good cleansing agent for purifying the air. Saging is good for people with asthma, allergies, or a common cold. It clears the nose canals. Just wait until the smoke clears before you enter the room if you suffer from either one of those.

I purify my house monthly with sage. But I use it for the spiritual aspect.

The smell of sage is said to improve moods as well as bring tranquility. The ancient Native American culture believed that saging brought positive energy, and good spiritual cleansing.

I usually sage when I meditate. It relaxes me as I go into my meditation state. It’s almost as if sage prepares my mind for full awareness. The smell awakens all my senses which helps me focus more on the task at hand. For me, the perfect time to sage is after having a bad day. Sage is said to clear away any negative energies. Get that negative energy in check before it checks you.

If you’re saging for spiritual purposes, like me. Always remember to pray at the start and give thanks for the cleansing at the end. Whether you are Christian, Catholic, or Muslim you should always give thanks when praying/asking for anything from the spiritual realm. Saying thank you is a sign of gratitude to the Higher Power.

Saging can be used for whatever you choose whether spiritual or just for household upkeep. It doesn’t hurt to cleanse the air in your household, bacteria travels from place to place. Having a few sage sticks in your house can do more good than any harm. Protect your family from outside bacteria and negative energies with a good ol’ sage.

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xox Black Daria

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