Ways To Stay Sane While Quarantine & Chilling

Things to do during COVID-19

Whether you’re working from home or just quarantined because of the … CoronaVirus. Try not to panic too much. I know for me, just the idea of staying in the house more than 3 days makes me want to scream. But during this tough time, it’s important to look at this pandemic as what it is.

A time for us to reflect on the life we have. It’s time to appreciate what you have, and to decide what is it we want want in life right now. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Right now, the universe wants us all to stop and self-reflect. Get closer to your loved ones, and to self heal from whatever is draining you.

Instead of being upset that you’re stuck in the house. Look at it as, now I can finally accomplish what I’ve been putting off.

Here are a few quarantine and chill ideas to help you get through this tough time.

REST! For the first 2-3 days it’s important to clear your mind, and listen to your body. If you feel like you cannot get out of bed, then don’t. If you can’t seem to focus, take a nap. Your body will not work for you unless you listen to it. A restful mind is a productive mind. Just be careful not to sleep your life away. It’s counterproductive and your body will ache. Trust me.


Discipline yourself! You can easily fall into laziness from being home all day. Plan out your days. What day will you work from home? What day will you interact with the household? What day will you clean? What day will you commit to self-care? What day will you work on that goal you’ve been delaying? What day will you commit to homework? Planning out your days will also help make the time go by faster. Even though you’re quarantined, it’s important to stick to a schedule.


Execute the idea/plan that’s been on your mind. Put the pen to the paper. There’s no excuse for why you can’t get it done at this time. You’re quarantined, you ain’t got shit to do. Whatever idea is on your mind, just do it. See what could come from it. Whether that’s making a wig, clothes, or starting a new hobby. Now that you have the time to self-reflect. Reflect on the things you always wanted to do.

Get your damn house work done! Right now is the best time to cleanse your home from top to bottom. Doing a house cleanse will also help prevent any spread of the virus. Wash your clothes too. It’s not certain if or how long the virus can stay on clothing.

Remember this is new to all of us. It’s best to just change your clothes when you get home, and wash regularly.

Learn something new! If you’re a parent. You’ll be re-learning the school curriculum, I’ll be praying for you. Youtube, Google, and a fellow teacher should be your go to’s. There are teachers who are willing to help parents with homeschooling. Reach out to them!

If you don’t have children, what is a DIY project you’ve been wanting to do? Mine is dying my hair. Or maybe now you have the time to read the book you’ve been wanting to.

Whatever it is, make sure you make the time for learning something new. Don’t just stay in the house and not educate yourself.

Don’t be like the rest of the world. Take advantage of this time to yourself.

Take a day to binge watch your favorite TV shows. This goes side by side with relaxing. I love getting lost in ratchet TV. Taking a break from reality is healthy.

Reconnect with loved ones around you, and those who aren’t. Right now, no one is too busy to talk to you. If they are then they just don’t want to talk to you boo. Our phones still work so facetime, text, and check on your friends. In the midst of all the chaos in the world. We need to remember to love each other. While at home pull out some board games or some cards. Get everyone together for a game night, have dinner together, or a movie night.

If one person in your household has the virus. You’re all most likely have it anyway. So just enjoy each other while you still can.

Cook! I don’t know about you but I do not trust anyone else’s cooking right now. If I can’t see you cook. Then I don’t want it. COVID-19 has no face. Even though restaurants are still open, I personally refuse to go to any. Which means I have to cook.

Even if you don’t know how to cook, now is the time to learn. Google a new recipe, and try it out. You never know, cooking could turn into your new hobby.

Exercise at home! If you have On Demand there are plenty of cardio videos for you to follow. If not you can always go to bodybuilding.com for a good workout plan. You don’t need machines to get a good workout in.

You can also take a walk in the morning. NJ/NY is not on a 24 hour quarantine right now so, go get some fresh air. I’m actually going for a run after I finish this post.

In a time where everything seems to be in array. Your mind doesn’t have to be. Don’t look at being quarantined as a bad thing. Look at it as a way to reconnect with yourself and finally get your to-do list done.

We’re all in this together.


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