Do It Yourself Mask

Do It Yourself Mask

A few days ago Governor Cuomo stated that everyone should be wearing a face mask when ever leaving their homes. Great, so is this airborne now? Anyway, this means wearing one when you go to the grocery store, for a walk, and to work if you’re essential. It’s getting serious. So please don’t take this as a joke.

OK they want us to wear masks, but how can we when hospitals are running low on medical masks? I really hope you weren’t thinking of stocking up on medical masks.

Don’t be the problem. Leave them for the medical staff!

Instead, grab an old T-shirt, cloth, or bandana and create your own mask! This pandemic is pushing us all to use our resources. You don’t realize how dependent you are with something until it’s gone. And you don’t realize how creative you are until being creative is the only choice you have.

To make your own mask you’ll need:

1. A piece of cloth – T-shirt, scarf, or bandana

You can also do this with napkins.

2. 2 hair ties – the regular black ones you can buy at Walgreens or Walmart will work

xox Black Daria

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