7 Self Empowering Affirmations -That Will Boost Your Confidence

Affirmations: the action or process of affirming something or being affirmed. For emotional support or encouragement.

Your words are your superpowers. You can easily make someone extremely happy with your words, or very sad. So sad that they might cry, or go after you in a more physical way. The same works for the words you speak to yourself. You can easily talk yourself into something just by saying I “can” do this. You can also talk yourself out of something just by saying “I can’t”. Our words determine our moods in the same way. You are what say.

So I ask, how have you been speaking to yourself lately? Are you being kind? Are you speaking life into yourself?

Before you start your day. Take 10 minutes to yourself and fill in the blank with these affirmations. Try it out for a month, and take note of your changing habits, if any. Take note on your thoughts. Have they changed?

You might unlock a feeling that has been blocked for so long.

I am a ________________

What is your dream career? What do you want to label yourself as? A good mom? An understanding friend? Who are you working on becoming? By doing this you are confirming with yourself that you are the person you envision. An “I am” affirmation will also help boost self-confidence. Speaking, I am connects to your sacral chakra.

Example: I am a boss ass bitch

I will ________________

What goal do you plan on accomplishing this month or year? What do you need to do to secure a brighter future for yourself? I usually repeat the task I need to complete. Whether it’s finishing the current book that I’m reading, or a project I intend to complete. What will you do without procrastinating? An “I will” affirmation confirms that you will get the said task done sooner than later. Speaking “I will” connects to your solar plexus chakra.

Example: I will stick to my daily schedule

I am thankful for _________

It’s always good to give thanks for the blessings in your life. You woke up today, right? That’s a blessing that not everyone got to experience today. Be thankful. Doing this will remind you that not everything is as bad as it seems. Being thankful humbles you to acknowledge the small things that happen in your everyday life. Speaking “I am thankful” connects to your heart chakra.

Example: I am thankful for my family and friends

I feel __________________

There’s power in what you feel. By declaring what you feel you are setting the tone for the day. Do you feel happy, empowered, tired, or energetic? Even if you don’t feel as good as you normally do. This is where you can change that mood. You might feel tired, but you really need to be energetic for today’s activities. Speak it into yourself, tell yourself how you want to feel. Repeat it until you feel it. Speaking “I feel” connects to your sacral chakra.

Example: I feel marvelous

I am not _________________

What habit have you decided to stop? Is there something someone once called you that you know is not true? Forget about yesterday. What will you not put up with today?

Speaking, “I am not” connects to your throat chakra.

“I am not a procrastinator”, is one I repeat religiously.

I can ____________________

What without a doubt can you achieve today, tomorrow, or this month? It can be as simple as, “I can finish reading this book today.” You know what you can accomplish. Everyone can use a reminder of what they can achieve sometimes. Speaking “I can” connects to your solar plexus chakra.

Example: I can transform my dreams into reality

I understand _______________

What have you come to terms with? It can be something you have to let go or something you have to be patient about.

Speaking “I understand” connects to your crown chakra.

Example: I understand that I am a work in progress

Be kind to yourself. So that no one else has the power to talk down to you.

xox Black Daria

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