Follow your heart, there is no right or wrong …
Before anyone starts jumping to conclusions, I know and very much believe there is a God or Divine source. You can’t tell me anything about my God. Do you remember the first time religion was brought into your life? Religion is usually forced onto children. Whatever your parents practice – so do you. It makes sense. I remember dreading going to our family Baptist church when I was younger. For one, I never understood the Pastor’s sermons – he was an old fashioned pastor. The type that never ended service on time, and always had a story to tell. Maybe I was too young to grasp the understanding of his teaching. Or maybe his words just wasn’t connecting to my spirit. Not every Pastor is a good Pastor. Either way I remember never wanting to go to church, I loved God, but I couldn’t connect to this particular church. Which caused me to look away from God. If you were given a choice to praise God in any way you feel comfortable would you still go to the same church everyday?
I grew up in what I like to call a religiously confused household. My mom was raised Catholic, she even went to a Catholic middle school. My dad was raised in a Jehovah household, but he claims Christian. Can you see the confusion? Although their religious practices weren’t the same one thing that was, was the love for God.
“Isn’t that what really matters?”
Growing up I claimed Christian, having no idea what it meant to really be a Christian. All I knew was that I shouldn’t sin; to follow the commandments, and to pray every night. Here I was blindly being a hypocrite to a religion because I wasn’t following the correct faith practices. Thinking that since I grew up saying I’m a Christian – that means I have to stay one. Which is far from the truth.
“I wish someone would have explained to me earlier that all you really need is faith and love for God to please the spirit. Well, and to be righteous of course.”`
Religion is; the belief in and worship of a superhuman, God. I never understood the tension between religions – they all serve the same purpose. Which is to follow God’s commands from a Bible, Quran, or enlightenment book. Dating back to Adam and Eve days that’s all God wanted from us. But man wanted religion for themselves and their cultures. They wanted to control something that wasn’t theirs. Causing disagreements from all over the world.
The spirit is for everyone who allows it in. It lives within all of us, it’s not something that can be controlled. Have you ever caught the Holy ghost outside of church?
Everyone is different, and should be able to praise God in their own way whether that is in the house, car, church, or temple. Without judgment.
Which is why I found comfort in Spirituality. Lately there has been more light shined on it than past years. Beyonce’s newest video Black is King, Russell Simmons, and Instagrams TheHoodHealer has been reminding us that the faith and guidance we need doesn’t just rely on bible scriptures, it’s all already in us. It’s about the spiritual connection we have with God and our ancestors. FYI, before Blacks were shipped to America, we practiced spirituality with prayers, dance, and offerings to the ancestors. Christianity and Catholicism weren’t even a thought.
As I dug deeper into Spirituality by reading scriptures and praying with more intention. I realized that it was easier for me to understand certain lessons and scriptures. They started becoming more relatable for me. I would go to church for my “Jesus juice” whenever I felt really low or just needed extra prayers. But my church visits became less frequent when COVID hit, I’ll never forget the sermon that pastor Daniels from change church told us.
“Change the way you pray. When you pray are you talking to God or just telling him what you think he wants to hear?”
Tying in my meditation, one day I decided to pray while I meditate. I let it all out without feeling restricted or ashamed of what I had to say.
“God hears all of our thoughts, it’s silly to not speak your truth.”
That’s the beautiful thing about Spirituality, there’s no strict rules to follow. Spirituality is one’s practice of seeking purpose and peace. It’s more of a feeling/emotion of understanding and thankfulness.
The more I prayed with emotion – the more confident I became in my prayers and as a person. I used to say my prayers in my head because I thought they had to be said in secret. All I was doing was hiding behind myself..
Ever since I decided to commit to Spirituality my self-esteem has heightened, my moods have improved, and I can say I’m much calmer than I’ve ever been. I used to go from 0-1,000 fast. There wasn’t anything you could tell me, and I wasn’t going to listen anyway – I thank God everyday that I am not that person anymore.
Don’t get confused this article wasn’t written for you to just up and leave whatever religion you are currently devoted to. It was to open your eyes to how easy it is to connect to the Divine source. People make up assumptions in their minds of what we should do and what we should practice. But if we are made from a divine source don’t you think we can connect to it pretty easily?
Follow what connects to your heart. No one is the same. Spirituality might not be for you, but whatever you choose make sure you do it for yourself…
xox Black Daria