Guess whose back and pregnant as ever!!!!!
I know that just threw you for a loop, but it’s true. I went from heartbroken to healed, fell in love, and made a baby. When they say your life can change at any moment believe it because it’s true. But we’ll get to all of that soon….
This one is for all the women around the world that are currently expecting or wondering what it’s really like to get pregnant this one is for you.
Pregnancy is such a beautiful blessing, but it will test you.
Finding out I was pregnant at 30 took me by surprise.
Did I want kids, yes.
Did I think I could conceive so easily, no.
Was I happy when I found out, HELL YES! But I’ll be honest, I was terrified.
I remember having so many thoughts running through my mind. Questioning if I could do this and if we were ready for this. Many times I had to remind myself that the child forming in my body was a blessing. Honestly, knowing that kept me grounded. It kept me sane. It kept me going.
Now that I’m in my third trimester, I thought it was time to help those women with a million questions about pregnancy and the expecting moms that don’t have an outlet. I’ll tell you what, out of all my friends who are mothers. No one warned me about what I was about to experience.
Please remember every pregnancy is different. What I’m about to tell you is what I personally went through and what helped me get through it.
First Trimester
For some first trimester is a breeze, but for others like me – it tested my gangsta.
1. Morning sickness felt like I was drunk and would hit me at any time of the day.
I remember waking up and feeling like the world was spinning. I felt the urge to throw up but it was mostly bile and a lot of pressure on my stomach.
What helped: Ginger ale and ginger tea, Nausea cough drops, ginger chews, crackers, and my support team.
Helpful tip: Make sure that you have ginger ale and crackers at your bedside because you won’t feel like moving in the morning.
2. Yeast Infections just comes with the journey. Pregnant women are prone to yeast infections because of how fast our hormones are changing. It’s all in the hormones. Do not self-diagnose yourself, call your doctor for treatment.
3. Vagina swelling is real and you will get tighter down there. Your uterus is expanding which is causing your vagina to swell. Don’t freak out, just remember that you are in fact pregnant.
4. Listen to your body or you will get moody. If you’re tired take a nap. If you’re hungry get some food. DO NOT limit yourself anymore. Your body is changing, and so are you. Give yourself some grace.
I made the mistake of taking an immune system vitamin and threw it up along with last night’s dinner.
Tip: In the first trimester take the gummy prenatal. They don’t have iron in them so they won’t make your stomach upset. Start taking a stronger prenatal in your second trimester. I currently take One A Day Women’s Prenatal Advanced Complete Multivitamin with Brain Support* with Choline, Folic Acid, Omega-3 DHA & Iron. It’s important to take prenatals that have Folic Acid, Iron, and Choline in them. All are great nutrients for the baby’s brain development.
6. Drink lots and lots of water it will help with dehydration! Now that you have a whole human forming inside of you it’s very important to up your water intake. Babies live in water so you better have enough inside of you or else you will dehydrate and possibly pass out.
7. Spotting may occur. It’s called implantation and it’s common. You don’t know what to expect during the first trimester but any spotting is the last thing you want to see. If you see a sprinkle of blood just call your doctor. Most likely they will do an ultrasound and tell you it’s implantation because they can see the bruise on your walls.
Don’t hesitate to call your doctor for any and all questions. Sometimes your family or friends do not have the answer. The last thing you want to do is stall on something that could be serious. Call your doctor to get it taken care of.
You can breathe again …
The Peaceful Second Trimester
Your energy will start to come back around and you might be showing a little. My second trimester was my best trimester.
7. Raspberry tea is a secret gem. It helps strengthen your uterus and is extremely good for the reproductive system. Try to drink 2-3 cups a day. It’s also a good tea to ease your upset stomach.
8. Now that you’re a bit stronger you can start taking more vitamins: B12 for energy and vitamin C for immune health.
9. Overheating and fainting is very possible and common.
I almost fainted coming out of a hot shower. I had just entered my second trimester and I remember feeling really dizzy. I felt the baby kick for the first time but I think she was trying to warn me. I managed to get out of the bathroom and call on my sister who immediately held me up and brought me iced water. If it wasn’t for her I probably would have passed out. I thank God for auntie Daija.
10. Toothaches are a thing and if you start to have any go see a dentist ASAP!
After a certain amount of months, you won’t be able to get teeth work done so the sooner the better. Just like your body, your teeth are changing as well.
11. Your skin will stretch and it’s very important to stay moisturized unless you want stretch marks!
Here’s what I use every day: Shea butter and Belly Oil (Amazon). I usually apply at night and in the morning.
12. Carpal Tunnel sucks and I have it.
Carpal tunnel is another common pregnancy symptom that happens. I haven’t figured out a way to ease the pain yet, but I’ve been doing hand exercises. I’m sure me working from home doesn’t make it any better. If you experience this ice your hands and use icy hot on the painful areas. Doctors say it will go away after birth.
13. If you can see a chiropractor.
Yes, you can go to a chiropractor when pregnant and it’s very beneficial. I started to have increased back and hip pain that became unbearable. No matter what I did nothing helped until I went to the chiropractor. Chiropractors will help ease the back pain and align your hips so it’s easier for you to give birth. During pregnancy, your hips will start to tighten. Seeing a chiropractor will help flex them.
And, yes, going to a chiropractor is 100% safe for you and the baby. You can even take your newborn baby to a chiropractor to help align their backs after birth.
I’ve just started my journey into my third trimester so I don’t have much to say, yet. But everything they said about being tired and sleepy is accurate. I have to keep reminding myself that I am pregnant and to give myself some grace. Once you become pregnant it seems like your entire life changes. You are no longer who you use to be. You’re someone better. Someone learning and someone who is giving her all.
I’m not who I use to be, but I love who I am becoming for my baby girl.
xox Momma Black Daria