Affirmations, Energy, Crystals… What in the World?

A quick read on understanding a way of healing

Ever wonder what crystals actually do for people? Or what daily affirmations consist of?

One of my favorite affirmations is from little Ayaan reciting his before school.

I’ll be honest. When crystals and affirmations were first introduced to me. My reaction was, “Yea right that shit don’t work.

It was something new. Something I never heard of before and it definitely was outside of my comfort zone. So I dissed it for a while, I regret doing that.

I probably would have been on Erykah Badu un-bothered by now.

Crystals are said to provide internal healing in various ways. Depending on the crystal chosen.

Crystals are an energy source for emotional and physical healing. Crystal usage dates back to the Ancient Sumerian era.

In the world of crystals, each type of gemstone has a certain frequency that can help heal or encourage. Those states include emotional, physical, and spiritual. The energy from your crystals are supposed to heal your chakras when held close to you. This is why you should always buy crystals that have healing properties catered to what your healing needs are.

The crystals I have are: Rose Quartz, Botswana Agate, Rough Sodalite, Hematoid Quartz, Amethyst, and Calcite. I hold them when I meditate. I also say my intentions onto to them. Intentions are like wishes in prayer.

I always cleanse crystals by saging and hand washing them before I hold them. Cleansing crystals purifies them from any energy they may have picked up. This is very important!

I don’t know if my meditation or the crystals but I am way more aware of myself and those around me. I am aware of myself when I think or say something negative. I’m the calmest I’ve ever been. My attitude is, well that’s that. I know I will always find a way, even out of no way now. I want to say the crystals give me strength.

Which they better because I carry 2 in my bra and I have 2 pouches I bring with me at work… I don’t play.

If you don’t believe energy is all around us I suggest you pick up “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. It talks about the laws of attraction and the energy you put out.

Please remember crystals do not solve problems! They just help bring you to a clear state of mind.

Now affirmations, I think are really dope. You are what you say you are. Affirmations are repeated positive words spoken out loud to oneself. By stating I am.

Sounds weird, I know. But it’s a great way to start your day. It wakes you up and completely cuts out negative morning talk.

In the mornings that I wake up early enough. Before I do anything, I will meditate for 10 minutes repeating my affirmations.

I am confident, I am a writer, I am beautiful, I am healed

Affirmations started from the bible if you want to get deep for a second. When GOD presented himself to Moses to tell him to go free the Hebrews. God presented himself as I AM. I AM THAT I AM. The Divine one made it clear with the statement I AM. It was confident and direct. Once it was said the Hebrews believed that Moses was sent to who he said he was.

When you’re direct and confident, you are what you say you are.

Everything goes back to God.

Your affirmations should be catered towards the visions you have for yourself. Its purpose is to boost your confidence and motivate you for the day ahead. So if you’re going to say them. I would do it in the morning.

Why not start each new day with a flow of positivity. Affirmations and crystals are just pro tools to help you find peace and clarity.

Try something new. I did and I regret not doing it sooner.