How I Reinvented Myself with Self-Care

Guide to taking care of your mind, body & spirit

When was the last time you’ve done something for yourself? When’s the last time you fed your spirit?

I’m not talking about just pampering yourself here and there. Even though a little self-pamper is very essential.

Who doesn’t feel better after getting their nails or hair done? Shit, I know a shopping spree with a dinner to myself always brightens up my mood.

But those are temporary fixes. They fix your mood for the moment, maybe even for the rest of the day. But 9 times out of 10, tomorrow will bring the same issues.

I had the problem of self-pampering myself for days on end. I felt like I needed it. I would pig out at Red Lobster one day. The next day I felt like I needed to buy new clothes. If I saw a discount on some hair during that time, it was buying that to. I just wanted to feel better. I thought that I needed an abundance of self-pamper. But the reality was, that wasn’t it.

In these past 5 months, I’ve spent a lot of time alone. Honestly, they have been the most influential months of my life. Having time alone made me self-reflect on my habits, wants, and the distractions in my life.

I realized what truly made me feel better was things money couldn’t buy. It was when I prayed, or when I went for a walk. Definitely when I would cut people off

Dropping negative energy is so refreshing.

It was when I would sage the house, that smell just relaxes me. Or it was when I didn’t overextend myself. That’s when I truly felt at peace within myself. That’s when I felt like I took care of my well-being.

That’s when I learned what real self-care is. It’s not materialistic or just having time alone. It’s having an awareness of the life around you. It’s creating peace from within.

It’s saying NO to things that don’t serve towards your growth or happiness.

It’s saying NO to access of your time

It’s standing your ground

It’s making time for yourself, catering to your desires

It’s praying

It’s burning sage to cleanse your home

It’s meditating

It’s exercising

It’s keeping positive energy around you

It’s cutting negative people out your life, no matter who they are

It’s living in your truth

It’s believing in yourself

It’s loving every inch of yourself

It’s allowing yourself to grow

It’s expanding your mind

It’s doing new things

It’s eating healthy

It’s creating healthy habits

It’s making yourself happy

It’s forgiving your past

It’s forgiving your mistakes

It’s living in the present

It’s always working on creating the best version of yourself

When I ask if you’re taking care of yourself, I’m talking about your energy and mental. I cannot stress enough that NO ONE else cares more about your self-care than you!

So nurture it, heal it, preserve it. Money can’t buy self-care all the time. True happiness comes from within and how you take care of yourself.