Understanding My Intuition

That Gut Feeling

Have you ever caught a knot in your stomach at the thought of something? It’s almost as if you can internally feel in your gut that a decision is not the right one for you. Did you ever follow that gut feeling? Said no to something that doesn’t sit right? Could be a job, a new friend, or an event. Or do you just ignore the feeling?

I’ve been following mine and it has been the scariest, yet relieving experience I’ve ever faced.

I like to believe I am very in-tuned with my mind, body and spirit.

Well, I’m getting there

So in-tuned that my body reacts before my mind does. It can get so bad that I could start having vivid dreams that are related to how I’m feeling.

I used to have nightmares about my relationship.

At first I thought it was just my worried ass, always worrying about something but it really wasn’t. It was my intuition telling me, this ain’t it sis.

Women’s intuition is REAL. When we feel something is off, it usually is.

There’ve been plenty of times when my intuition kicked in at the last minute and I all of a sudden felt like I needed to stay home instead of going out.

We are all connected: air, earth, plants, animals, and humans. That’s why it is so easy for our intuition to kick in with the universe.

If you really pay attention you will notice all the red flags you have been avoiding. Was your intuition making you aware that the universe is trying to talk to you. That’s where Mercury Retrograde comes in.

Mercury Retrograde is when Mercury looks like it’s orbiting backwards. It causes something like an imbalance, which causes chaos in the lives of people who haven’t faced fears. Basically, it’s a time when emotions are high and whatever you’ve been avoiding comes to the light. So they say.

If you felt more in your feelings July 7th – August 28th, you can blame it on the retrograde. This past one was the realest one I’ve ever felt in my life!

I cried over anything and everything. Happy ,sad, funny didn’t matter. It was as if I was PMSing for weeks!

Pay attention to what the universe is trying to reveal. I know it’s easier to just avoid it, been there. But you really should start digging into those red flags because they could save a life.

I dug into mine and followed it. I can honestly say, I’m at peace. What I use to stress about, I don’t anymore.

Following my intuition has been frustrating yet clear. Things have just been revealing itself to me in ways I can’t explain. I allowed my heart to lead my way, and everything I asked for was shown to me. It’s hard as hell to let go of your security. To allow your heart to lead. Especially for my logical ass.

It’s really like a mind trip.

On the flip side, following your intuition can be so refreshing. Knowing that decision was the best one for you.

Intuition can make or break you. Once you can feel it; Listen to it. Follow it. It helps warn us of the bad in the world. That gut feeling can end up being a blessing.

You can never steer yourself wrong.

Intuition can see through elusive intent, listen to it – H.E.R