Stepping Out of Comfort Zones

Finding no growth in comfort

Comfort zones are just that comfy. They are a safe haven for hearts, a place for addiction, and home to habits. But is all that comfort really worth it if you’re still dreaming about what you should have done? Or what you could have done?

Lately, I have been working on getting out of my comfort zone. I’m a Taurus and we hate change.

When I say HATE, I mean hate it!

But my comfort zone really hasn’t gotten me anywhere far in life. It actually has hindered me and kind of lowered my self-esteem. I was comfortable not being the center of attention. Comfortable with mediocrity within my work. Comfortable with the life I thought I had to live at one point.

I didn’t really grasp the concept that I was still living in comfort until I gave my friend some advice. I remember telling her;

Things don’t change unless you do. Go do something different. Go have lunch at a new spot. Go look up events in your area. Doing what you’re doing now isn’t helping you. So what do you have to lose?

Now thinking back on it. I was giving advice that I needed to hear. I’m not a hypocrite so, I knew after I told her that. I had to get out of my own comfort zone. Can’t inspire someone else and not do it yourself.

So, I gradually started moving differently. Instead of writing in my room. I’ll find a cafe to go to. Instead of getting taken out, I’ll sit at the bar. I listen to R&B music now more than ever. It’s been keeping my mind at peace.

But, I still love my trap music.

I also listen to podcasts now. They are so beneficial for learning and for those days when you just need someone to speak life into you. I listen to “0-7 Figures”, “Ted Talks Business” and “Transformation Church”. There’s a podcast for almost anything.

Another way I started stepping out of my comfort zone was by taking more pictures. If you know me. You know I hate taking pictures.

I’m the girl that will walk away when I see everyone getting ready for a picture. Or politely excuse myself from the picture.

I just never felt I was photogenic enough for pictures.

Pictures low key give me anxiety.

I didn’t want to live like that anymore. Hiding behind the camera. So I decided to overcome it.

That’s why every post is a picture of me. I’m nowhere near conceited. I just felt like what better way to get out of my comfort zone. Then forcing myself in front of the camera. I needed to be more consistent with Lifeofblackdaria anyway. Taking pictures enforced that.

I always thought of comfort zones as a good thing. They are similar to that home feeling, where everything is safe. But as I got wiser, I realized it’s not. Life is forever changing. Take social media for example. Always evolving and improving. So is your life. You can stay in that comfort zone and keep wondering will it ever change? Or you can start to make changes in your life big or small.

I have been taking baby steps doing simple things differently and it has changed my entire outlook on life. Instead of being so scary and logically about everything. I’m more open to the possibilities surrounding me.

Change isn’t as bad as I thought.