Finding My Purpose

Finding my truth

Ever wonder what’s your purpose? What are you here on Earth to do? What is it that YOU like to do? I ask myself these questions 22 hours a day.

Yes, I am being dramatic because I am a dramatic person.

But seriously I ask myself what is it I like to do, mind you I am 27. Yes, I’m closer to 30 and feeling this way terrifies me.

I know I love to make my own money. But if you ask me what I want to do, I will hesitate. Searching my thoughts for the right answer so I don’t feel as if I do not have my life all together. But in reality, I don’t have it all together.

Ok, I have a good job that can easily continue long-term with lots of advancement. But do I see myself doing it forever? Well, that’s a solid NO. So how do I find what it is that makes me, me? How do I find my purpose?

After lots of procrastination and multiple excuses, I finally figured out my answer. In order to find my passion, I have to just do it. Stop being lazy and do what I said I would do. Trust me I know that shit is hard, I’m a Taurus.

Which is the sleepiest sign in the world!

Anyway, I am the queen of procrastination if I told you how long it took me to write this post you would probably judge me.

Everyday I try to grow a little bit. Inch by inch trying something new and giving a little more effort each time. Those inches are becoming miles and I would be lying if I said I did not like my progress. Finding your purpose requires you to step out of your comfort zone and do new things. I remember this snap I saw from Brittany Renner, she explained how there is literally a job for EVERYTHING in the world. The jobs you might feel aren’t a real job, actually are.

If you have the mindset to just chase money, you will be chasing it forever. Happiness really comes from within. So just do it, make your dreams reality and live your best life! We only got one.