Are You Truly Ready For Your Blessings?

Or are you still running from them?

Most of us know exactly what it is we want. We might not know how to get it, but we have some ideas.

Are you willing to change who you are to receive what you want? That might mean having to stop drinking, or to stop having a social life. Maybe it means changing your way of thinking. This could also mean cutting toxic people out of your life. Have you ever seen the meme with the child and Jesus? The child has a small beat up teddy bear that she does not want to give to Jesus. Not seeing that Jesus has a huge brand new teddy bear behind his back. He’s reaching out to the child for her to trust him. So she could receive her blessing.

Sometimes to get what you want in life, you have to let go of something.

Letting go is a form of mental growth and strength.

You’re not going to have a different outcome doing the same sh*t. That’s called insanity. It will drive you just that, insane.

It took me a while to really understand that.

Sometimes your blessings can be right in front of you but you are too afraid to see it.

I self-reflected a few days ago and realized, I have always wanted to be a writer. My life was aligning with my writing even when I did nothing to receive it. In the beginning I was very afraid to chase that passion, I didn’t think being a writer was a good career job. Until I faced my fear of the unknown. I started trusting my process more. With trusting yourself comes clarity and answers.

So ask yourself, are you ready for what you really want? If you are then your actions should speak louder than your words. No one can make your dreams come alive but you.