Sex Trafficking In America

Be aware of your surroundings

We all hear about kidnapping and human trafficking on the news. Most of us are naive to the subject, thinking it could never happen to me.

I pray it never happens to anyone reading this. But the truth is, it could.

It doesn’t matter where you are, ShopRite, airport, or parking lot to your home. You really never know who could be watching you. Last year there were 10,949 cases of human trafficking in the United States! Of the taken were women and children.

Why, because women are sold for sex and organs. The younger you are the more money you will sell for. Children are more likely to be taken for organs. Little boys included.

Yes, there are people who harvest organs.

My momma has always told me and my sister to have our mace in hand when walking alone. The younger me would just brush her off.

Like yeah ok ma, we live in a very rural area. I’m good.

That was my ignorance talking. Truth is anyone can be taken at any moment. Have you ever seen the movie “Split”? Unstable people walk amongst us every day, just like Kevin from “Split” did. Those kinds of people are capable of anything, and usually, have the strength of 5 men.

So if you’re the I’ll beat anyone’s ass if they try to kidnap me. Type of women.

Wake up! You never know how you’re going to react in a situation until you’re actually in it. You could easily go into a shock and do nothing if the unfortunate event happened to you. Or you could be taken from behind, giving you no advantage to fight back.

Now I’m not telling you all of this to scare you into never leaving your house. I’m telling you this to make you AWARE of the world we live in. There are very evil and unstable people in the world that go unnoticed. They are everywhere, your job, neighborhood, and supermarkets. Bottom line is, you just never know who.

I just want everyone to be aware and protected at all times.

So for those late nights coming home. I listed some precautions I take and urge you to do the same.

  • Check around your car before getting in. There have been situations where kidnappers will put a paper in your windshield wipers. Or place a bag over your side mirrors. You should not remove it. Just get in the car or walk away. It’s a distraction for you to be taken.
  • LOCK YOUR DOORS AS SOON AS YOU GET IN THE CAR. This will prevent someone who was behind you from getting in. I always drive with my doors locked. Anything can happen even when you stop for a red light!
  • Carry mace – Walk with your finger on the trigger. You can buy a mace at Walmart or Amazon.
  • Invest in a blade If you’re responsible enough to handle it. Girl, don’t bring that blade to a fight. You will catch a charge!
  • For iPhone users, if you hold down the side button and one of the volume levels simultaneously it will call 911 in 5 seconds.
  • Always try parking in well-lit areas.
  • If you feel uneasy about an area, call someone to stay on the phone with you. I do this even when I get pulled over. I don’t trust cops.
  • Share your location with a friend, sister, brother, or husband. Having at least one person to share your location with is a good back up. Just in case some shit goes down.
  • BEWARE of white vans with tinted windows. Usually, in kidnappings, a white van will follow you or pull up extremely close. They do that so it’s easier to throw you into the van.
  • Put down the phone & look up! Get your eyes off your phone. Not paying attention could cost you your freedom.
  • Walk with your car key in between your index finger and middle finger. Just in case you have to poke someone, your car key is the strongest key to use.
  • BEWARE OF OLDER WOMEN WANTING TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT “MOTHER OF MARY CHURCH” Do not, I repeat do not engage in the conversation! This is a human trafficking ring.
  • Make your lazy boyfriend or husband get up and watch you walk into the house!

Riding an Uber or Lyft is another way to get kidnapped. How many of us have had a couple of late-night uber rides?

I know I’ve had my share.

Just in August, there was an attempted kidnapping in New York from an Uber driver. The victim was a 15-year-old female.

That’s just one of many pending cases.

Women are the highest targets for kidnapping. Don’t turn a blind eye to the truth. I know it’s scary to think of but the truth is, there are probably countless numbers of women trapped in someone’s basement right now. All because they thought it could never happen to them. Please be smarter and more aware of your surroundings at all times. It also doesn’t hurt to carry some mace on you either!

Ignorance is bliss. Take precautions.

xox Black Daria