
Strict planning for a better ME

Ok people, we are less than 30 days away from the new year. So what lessons were learned in 2019? My 2019 was all about lessons.

What behavior have you decided that you will not be bringing into the new year? Or what will you do now more than ever?

“I will not bring procrastination’s lazy ass into my 2020. I hate that bitch. What I will be doing more than ever before is, planning. Planning my weeks and my to-do list. Putting action to ideas”

I never was the one to make up New Year’s resolutions. It’s always going to be a new year, same me. Just a different vision for myself. No more setting or feeling like I have to protect anyone’s feelings before mine.

“I’m taking care of myself all 2020”

No more setting goals and not working towards them. Ideas are great but an idea without any action is just a dream. I’m tired of dreaming. My ideas will be put into action even if I have no idea what I’m doing.

Shit, I started this blog with no idea what I was doing. But I figured it the fuck out. So what are your non-negotiables of 2020? What won’t you put up with? What will you change? This is a great exercise to do if you’re in a rut. Needing change but have no idea where to start. Writing it out gives you a visual of what you need and don’t need anymore.

So here is a snapshot list of my non-negotiables for 2020. Things I will not tolerate and things I will start doing :

Friendships: I will not tolerate

Unsupportive friendships

Jealousy – girl, we are all struggling. As friends, we don’t need this. I swear I want all my girls to WIN

Gossip – I wish everyone the best. Let’s not gossip.

Negative conversations – period

Finances: Non-negotiable

Paying every bill on time – bills come first. Fun comes after.

No more big purchases on credit card until it’s paid off

100$ to savings each pay – any leftover money after bills are paid and I’m not going to use it will go to the savings.

Self-Care: I will be doing

Meditation at least 3 times a week

Read a book for the first 20 minutes of waking up.

Working out 3 times a week

Silencing my phone when writing

No more overextending myself, if I’m tired I’m not going

Read a new book every 2 months – At the end of 2020 I should have read 7 or more books

Treat myself once a month with a dinner

Go to a networking event once a month

Go out at least twice a month for dinner and drinks with a friend

Positive talk – no more using I can’t or I ain’t know

Relationships: Non-negotiable






Family Orientated


Clear Communication




I separated mine into sections to make my non-negotiables more clear. If you have some changes you want to make for 2020 start with your non-negotiables. What won’t you settle for? What will you do for now on?

Write these in your phone or journal them. Refer back to them stay on top of yourself. Let’s not repeat the past. Don’t wait for another retrograde to happen for you to get your shit together.

End your 2019 on a positive note. Don’t bring the same problems from 2019 to 2020. You’re better than that sis.