A Girlfriends Guide To Taking Care Of Her Own Damn Car

A car guide that everyone should save to their phone.

What boosie say; “I-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t do you know what that means?

She got her own house

She got her own car

Two jobs, work hard, you a bad broad”…..

One time for the independent women and the women working on becoming more independent. This one’s for you.

Having a car is like having a child. You have to give it what it needs, maintain it, and make sure it’s cleaned. All of the responsibility falls on you. Even when it breaks down.

*insert rolls eyes*

I’ve had hoopies all my life. I’m not ashamed, they were super cute. Plus, I saved so much money from not having a car note. I can’t even complain, it was by choice anyway. From riding in older cars I’ve learned the basic survival skills that all women with a car should know. Being stranded ain’t no joke. I wish I knew then what I know now.

So here are some resources that will help you save your time, and a headache when it comes to taking care of a car.

1. Always carry jumper cables in your trunk. Listen, especially if you have an older car. These bad boys come in handy in the winter months. Jumping cables are used when your car battery dies. This can happen from leaving the car idle, a light staying on, a old battery, or the battery being too cold. You’ll know when you need a jump if when turning on the car you hear a clicking sound instead of the car turning on. That means you need a jump. If there is no sound, the problem is in your engine. Call AAA if that happens.

Here is a video on how to use jumping cables correctly.

2. How to check your oil. Oil should be checked weekly, especially for older cars. It’s very easy and will only take up 5 minutes of your time. Only check oil when the car is cold, never hot! The oil will splash out when hot.

Under your hood there is a knob that reads oil. It should also say what type of oil your car uses. This is important! You cannot put any type of oil in your car. You will damage the car by doing this. First, check to make sure you have the correct type of oil. When checking oil, have a rag close by, you will need it.

Here’s a video on how to check your oil and how to know if you need more oil.

Try to always keep a bottle of oil in your car. Thank me later.

3. We all run out of windshield wiper fluid from time to time. You don’t have to keep pouring water over your windshield to see a girl. Go to a local retailer, Quick Check sells them, and get a gallon of windshield wiper fluid. Here’s a video on how to refill your windshield wiper.

4. Changing a tire is complex, but you can do it. Here’s a video on the proper way to change a tire. You’ll need a car jack ,and tire iron to do this! DO NOT try to change a tire without those. This video says you need 2 wooden blocks, but you really don’t need those. I always keep a jack and tire iron in my trunk with my spare tire.

5. Putting air in your tire seems easy, right. But you can easily blow your tires from too much pressure. You can put air in your tire usually at any gas station. Sometimes the people at the gas station are nice enough to help if you’re too afraid. Putting air in your tires has to be done fast! Do not allow more air to escape.

Here’s a video on how to properly add air to your tires.

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6. As my dad always says, clean your car. It rides better when it’s clean. I’m pretty sure he just tells me that because he has OCD when it comes to cars. But I can’t deny the fact that my car rides smoother when washed. Dad’s are always right. #girldad

Having a car doesn’t have to break your pockets every time something breaks down. And you don’t always have to wait on a man. When in doubt, Youtube it!

xox Black Daria

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