The Power In Knowing Your Self-Worth

Do You Know Your Self-Worth?

Self-worth, is the opinion you have about yourself and the value you place on yourself. We all have our own opinions of ourselves. Some might believe they are worth more than they actually are. I ain’t mad at you if you do sis. But only we know the good, bad, and ugly of ourselves. So, before you sit here and say yes, I know my worth, are you being real with yourself? Have you ever felt like you’re worth more than what you’re receiving?

I know I have in my work, friendships, and love life.

Self-worth is in connection with loving yourself. When you love yourself you accept nothing less than what makes you happy. The power of self-worth comes from acknowledging your past and not allowing it to define your future.

I’ll admit, for so long I did not know my self-worth, embarrassing. I knew I was worthy of better things, but I also knew I wasn’t perfect nor is anyone else. I hung invisible imperfections over my head and forgave when I shouldn’t have. This caused me to accept less because I thought that was enough. Settling at it’s finest.

That fault kept me in situations with friends, exes, and jobs longer than I should have because I was unconsciously allowing less into my life.

Women have a bad tendency of allowing less than what they deserve into their lives for the benefit of others. Ladies, do you feel me on this?

For so long I was OK with the bare minimum because I thought people would change, as I was. Or that I would adapt to it. But I didn’t, I just bottled up all of these emotions. Which in return made me feel hopeless, and I wasn’t sure how to help myself. Not realizing that I needed to focus on myself to help myself.

I finally got that time after my break up. Cliche but it’s true. I finally had the time to look myself in the mirror and remind myself who the f*ck I was. For so long I watered down my self-worth in a relationship that didn’t appreciate me. It’s hard to notice those invisible faults when your actively in a relationship. Which is why self-care is so important in any relationship. You should be checking- in on yourself as much as possible.

Self-worth comes with being a little selfish. Selfish with time, needs, and energy. Now whatever I did not want to do, I wasn’t going to do. That counted for friends, activities, relationships, and conversations. I just stopped caring about what others thought of me. What you think of me is your opinion and everyone has one. The older I became the more I realized that I’m worth more than what I was receiving, way more.

The power of knowing your self-worth will have you feeling bossed up in ways you never thought was possible. You won’t feel guilty about it either, I sure as hell don’t. Instead it brought me more clarity on the woman I was becoming. It helped me regain focus on what’s important in life and manifest what I needed. When you know your self worth it’s almost as you finally become the person you’ve always dreamed of.

When you know your self-worth:

1. You are OK with saying NO. No, to anyone or anything that does not serve you. We’ve all been in situations we didn’t want to be in, but for some reason we just couldn’t say no. I used to be that girl. Doing stuff to make other people happy, even if it wasn’t returned. So why do it? If it’s not for you then remind yourself of your worth, and what you are not going to do. This includes giving out your number. If I don’t like you, you’re not getting these digits buddy.

2. You become more independent. Not saying you’re OK with being alone. But you don’t mind being alone. It’s an I can do bad all by myself type of state of mind. You find the resources you need and pave a way for yourself. You’ll have more of an, I can do this attitude.

3. You become mentally stronger. You’re able to stand your ground and not allow anyone pursue you otherwise. Being mentally strong prepares you to take on tough situations that you would usually cave in.

4. You know what you want, and how you want it. You don’t have time or energy for anything less than what you want. If someone was to ask you “what do you want”? You’ll be able to list them A-Z. There’s no more hesitation or negotiation.

5. You put your feelings first. Which can be hard to do, especially if you’re an empath like me. But putting your feelings first means, expressing any concerns or problems going on in your mind. You’re not afraid to speak up even if it’s not the right time. You find the time to take care of your feelings.

6. You start to forgive your past self; for all the fucked up shit she did, and been through. Our past is our history, we can’t change it even if we wanted to. But your past doesn’t define your future. That’s why it’s important to forgive so that you’re able to see past your flaws, and realize that you are still worthy of everything you desire. A mistake is a mistake, and everyone makes them.

7. You love yourself more. You are more comfortable in your skin and own who you are. Loving yourself is the first step to knowing your self-worth. Without love, how do you know your worth?

8. You refuse to repeat the past. What’s in the past is there for a reason. If you had to leave it behind then it didn’t appreciate your worth, so why bring it back?

Find your worth and add tax to it. No one can take away your worth but you.

xox Black Daria

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